Carrot tops green dressing
Another day, another experiment in the kitchen. Well, if you have the opportunity to have fresh organic produce, like those that I get from my weekly harvest share (hi, Deeper Roots Farm!), you can try to make the most out of them and reduce waste in the process.
Carrot tops are really easy to turn into a quick sauce or condiment that has a sharp, earthy but sweet taste. Indeed, this is just one of many ways to use them so don’t be scared in trying out different avenues.
I came up with a sauce that pairs really well with roasted vegetables. It reminds me of a garlicky parsley dressing and I want to try with roasted potatoes next.
You don’t need to cook the carrot tops for this recipe if you get them fresh and healthy but if you have any doubts, I would suggest blanching them for 3 minutes in hot water and rinsing after.
I have also blended some carrot tops on their own and kept them in the freezer to add to soups.
Carrot tops green dressing
100 g carrot tops
8 tablespoons olive oil
6 tablespoons lemon juice
3 garlic cloves
1/2 tablespoon maple syrup
1/4 teaspoon ground cumin
A pinch of black pepper
Water or more lemon juice if needed to thin out
Blend all ingredients together until it becomes as smooth as possible.
Add some water if the mixture is too thick. You can also play around with the acidity by adding lemon juice instead.
Store in a glass bottle in the fridge for up to a week.
Note: You could also blanch the carrot tops and squeeze out the water before blending. You will get a much more intense dark green color and a smoother dressing.